Table of Contents

Module: mudtime mudlib/

This module handles in-game world time. This is different than out-of-game world time which we measure in hours and minutes and such. In-game time could be measured in whatever interval you so choose (by creating your own TimeManager subclass).

To write your own mudtime:

  1. extend mudlib.mudtime.TimeManager

  2. In createTimeManager() set up your mud increments and names

  3. Override formatTime to first call getMudTime and then use the returned dictionary to format your time appropriately.

Imported modules   
import language
import math
from org.bluesock.bluemud.driver import Driver
from org.bluesock.bluemud.lib import MudObject
import stdlib
import time
getTimeManager ()

Returns the time manager.

It's a shared object, so if it doesn't exist, this will create it and then return it. If it does exist, this will return the one that existed--thus there should only be one TimeManager floating around.




Handles in-game world time and how it's represented.

Table of Contents

This document was automatically generated on Thu Jan 24 08:57:43 2002 by HappyDoc version 2.0