Enables perspective-based dynamic messaging.
A VBFC (value by function call) is an encapsulation of a
dynamic method invocation. VBFCs can be passed to certain
methods that traditionally would accept static strings. For
example, a VBFC could be passed to setLongDescription,
thereby enabling the long description to change dynamically
depending on some factory. This effect could also be achieved
by overriding getLongDescription and dynamically generating
the returned string each time, but simply passing a VBFC to
setLongDescription usually will represent a simpler solution.
Note that not all methods support VBFC's. The documentation
for each method in question should be consulted to determine
if it provides VBFC support.
The first argument to the constructor should be the method
name, followed by the arguments to be passed to the method.
VBFCs can be nested. |